Thomas has been a member of New Light Christian Church since 2003. He was born and raised in North Carolina and grew up in a Christian household. He accepted Christ as a teenager and never looked back. He has been involved in many ministries over the course of his life, but his main focus has been teaching. He began teaching youth Sunday School while still a teenager. He is currently an Elder at New Light and also serves as the Men’s Ministry Leader and teaches adult Sunday School. His favorite scripture is Psalm 40:1.

Professionally, Thomas has worked for the federal government for over 32 years. He is currently employed at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). He enjoys public service and is grateful to God for giving him a profession where he can serve the public good.

Thomas and his wife Maret live in Seattle with their three boys Isaac, Joseph and Nathaniel. In his free time, Thomas enjoys reading, traveling and watching sports.